"Disposition, hair – coupled with feed efficiency is what keeps Herefords on our Ranch."
"We find that the Hereford cows cost less to feed and they still put out a good size calf."
"Herefords do well in our range conditions, they can withstand variations in temperatures, and they are easy fleshing cattle that do well grazing without any extra feed. We feel that Herefords are more economical."
"The hair coat and the moderate size make them a cheaper animal to winter. I don't need to baby them."
"Herefords are easier to look after. They're more docile, aren't as hard on fences or equipment, they eat less, can stand the cold weather and make excellent mothers. This all means less work for me."
"For me they have been bringing just as high a price but they require less maintenance and upkeep – basically less work for the same money."
"For me they have been bringing just as high a price but they require less maintenance and upkeep – basically less work for the same money."
"There's a pride to having good cattle and you take them to the sale and they bring you top dollar. I've seen them pay a nickel more for our straight Hereford steers at more than one place."
"Hereford is providing the consistency, uniformity, grading results and meat quality the industry is looking for. We had straightbred Hereford feeders selling better than they had for 5 or 6 years last fall. You can't beat the Hereford cattle on the yearling market. And there is tremendous demand for straightbred Hereford females."
"The Hereford Charolais steer is one of the premiere steers in the feedlot industry."
"When they go to market, our Herefords provide an even group which is appealing to buyers. They like our cattle for their length, depth and thickness. Herefords also meet the growing demand for marbled beef."
"It's hard to beat the good Charolais Hereford cross calves – they're some of the better cattle you can feed."
"Hereford is the best quality beef you can offer in this country."